Is this a bug in the NetCDF library?

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I have recently started using the ucar java class library and have come
across what I think might be a bug.  I hope this list is the correct one for
questions of this type and has some users or developers of this package who
can help me.

I am using version 2.2 of the Java library and during testing had a problem
with the ucar.nc2.Variable class.  In the following method:

        Array read(int [] origin, int [] shape)

The following line calculates the last index in the required range.  I think
it is doing this incorrectly when the statring point (first) is anything
other than the first element (0).  The routine then crashes a line or two

        int last = (shape==null) ? getShape()[i] : first + shape[i] - 1;

I had to change the line to:

        int last = (shape==null) ? getShape()[i] : shape[i] - 1;

This seems to make more sense since it appears that the 'last' variable
should contain the index of the last element in the array, rather than a
count of the number of elements to be read, which is what the original line
of code would suggest it is trying to do (even then I think the code would
need some attention).  On the other hand this seems like a piece of bread
and butter code which is constantly used, so I am worried that I am doing
else wrong.

Has anyone come across this problem?  Is there a NetCDF developer who can
help me?


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