Re: NetCDF metadata and selected data variables

Hi Brian:

I answered your previous post, but your personal email bounced. Hopefully you're reading this group email.
Brian Etheridge wrote:

Hi All,
I posted the same question last Friday, but I didn't get any response so I am going to rephrase it now that I have explored the problem myself a little more.
My program is applying subset and reduction criteria to a netcdf file 
and outputting another netcdf file.  I am also allowing the user to 
choose which data variables they get in the output.  The problem I am 
having is that when I write out the metadata I have conflicting 
requirements for how that metadata will look.  How do I reconcile 
differences in the subset and reduction criteria which has ben applied 
to the data variables.  This does not seem to be posible given the 
structure of the netcdf file.
When looking closely at the metadata which is written to the output 
netcdf file I can see that the length of each coordinate variable is 
set.   This doesn't make sense when I am subsequently gong to write out 
data variables which either don't use one of the coordinate dimensions 
at all, or have different lengths for the coordinate variables.
I suspect I am trying to do something that the netCDF file format does 
not support.

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