Manipulation of netCDF/GRIB files

Dear netcdfgroup,

After reading information regarding all of the freely-available software for analyzing netCDF files, from the Unidata website, I am still not sure which strategies are best to perform the following two tasks:

FIRST. Using atmospheric numerical model output (e.g. NAM, formerly Eta) already written to either GRIB or netCDF formatted files, I would like to run command-line software (linux based) that will (1) read/import data from these numerical model GRIB/netCDF formatted files and use this data to (2) calculate parameters such as horizontal divergence of wind and layer-averaged omega, for a particular location (defined by latitude/longitude) -- and output the calculated value to an ASCII file. In other words, I want to compute parameters for a particular location based on available data variables already in the netCDF/GRIB file.

SECOND. I want to run command-line (linux based) software that will allow me to extract data from atmospheric numerical model output already written to netCDF or GRIB files -- at a specific location (defined by latitude/longitude). For example, output from the NAM is written to a Grid with grid spacing of 12-km. I want to be able to extract the _interpolated value_ of a particular variable at a particular latitude/longitude point -- and output the value to an ASCII file.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


* Waylon G. Collins Voice: (361)289-0959 * * NOAA/National Weather Service E-Mail: Waylon.Collins@xxxxxxxx *
* 300 Pinson Drive                                                   *
* Corpus Christi, TX 78406                                           *
* USA                                                                *

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