I'm working in an European Meteorologic project, named GRAS SAF, and I
would be interested to know if it's now available some PHP library or
packages to read directly this NETCDF documents. Our Website will be
developed in PHP and we will use netcdf files.
So, If is not available now this PHP library, could you say me if in the
future would be?
Otherwise, if you have some suggestions to me, for my problem, I will
thanks you a lot. Perhaps using system commands (C applications) adapted
to a standard output with a certain information of the Netcdf file... I
don't know...
Santi Oliveras
Santi Oliveras
Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC-CSIC)
Earth Science & Technology Department (ESTD)
Campus UAB - Facultat de Ciencies Torre C5 - parell - planta 2
Phone: 34-93 581 43 52 Fax: 34-93 581 43 63
e-mail: oliveras@xxxxxxxxxxx Web: http://www.ieec.fcr.es