Re: How to build netcdf 3.6.0p1 as a dynamic shared library on Mac OS X?

Fink builds netcdf dylibs - either use Fink to build it and install it or take a look at their makefile. Here is a partial listing from my /sw/lib, where Fink puts libraries:


-Roy M.

At 8:51 AM -0600 10/6/05, Ed Hartnett wrote:
"Sean McBride" <sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

 Hello all!

 I was wondering if anyone here has built netcdf 3.6.0p1 as a dynamic
 shared library (.dylib), as opposed to a static library (.a) on Mac OS
 X? (10.4 and gcc 4 to be exact).

 I ask because static libraries, at least on OS X, do not work well
 across different compilers or even compiler versions. As an example,
 several 3rd party libraries that I use built with gcc 3.3 will not link
 in a gcc 4 application.  And so I am investigating building all
 libraries as dynamic instead of static.

 I am not very familiar with the configure/make build system, but for
 other 3rd party libs that I use, I was able to build as dynamic like so:

 ./configure --enable-shared --disable-static

This only works in those packages which use libtool, a tool which
helps build dynamic libraries.

This feature is included in netCDF-4.

For netCDF-3 you are looking for the settings for environmental
variables which will build netCDF as a shared library. I'm sorry, but
I don't know what those settings are for a Mac.

Good luck,

Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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