[netcdfgroup] Modifying NEtcdf file



I am new using netCDF and I don't know anybody in my country, Colombia, that is 
currently working with netCDF files.

In order to make the investigation for my master, I need to modify an a 
extensive netCDF file (105.000K). I need to modify aprox 120.000 lines of data, 
but I don´t know any method to do it.
I try to convert the source netCDF file into text (using ncdump - o),  then I 
modified it and now I have an ASCII file separated by commas and with 
characters in return in each line, as obtained using the command ncdump of the 
original file.
For example:
temp =
// temp(0,0,0, 0-54)
277.4813, 276.4155, 275.3335, 274.2372, 273.4386, 273.0315, 272.6246, 
272.2128, 271.7205, 271.1262, 270.5313, 269.9269, 269.3189, 268.7285, 
268.1587, 267.6162, 267.5617, 268.1147, 268.6765, 269.2408, 269.4946, 
269.3569, 269.1975, 269.0216, 268.8656, 268.7551, 268.6632, 268.5788, 
269.1266, 270.4707, 271.8028, 273.1227, 273.7098, 273.3803, 273.0515, 
272.7239, 272.7801, 273.3181, 273.8549, 274.3895, 274.682, 274.6729, 
274.6642, 274.6566, 274.9037, 275.468, 276.0289, 276.5884, 276.3576, 
275.124, 273.8793, 272.6223, 271.6534, 271.0549, 270.4564,
// temp(0,0,1, 0-54)
276.8679, 275.8403, 274.7976, 273.7424, 273.0192, 272.7307, 272.4441, 
272.1526, 271.7513, 271.2129, 270.6729, 270.1262, 269.5375, 268.9077, 
268.2888, 267.6906, 267.6292, 268.238, 268.859, 269.4889, 269.8028, 
269.7146, 269.6006, 269.4674, 269.2771, 269.037, 268.8181, 268.608, 
269.0854, 270.4286, 271.7578, 273.0732, 273.6958, 273.4539, 273.2136, 
272.9739, 272.9522, 273.2037, 273.4539, 273.7034, 273.8842, 273.9784, 
274.0724, 274.1676, 274.4979, 275.1201, 275.7378, 276.3535, 276.2311, 
275.1737, 274.1059, 273.0276, 272.2213, 271.7681, 271.3176,
I have problems to return it to turn to netCDF format because the command ncgen 
does not work to me. I would like to ask you your support in order to advance 
and to obtain a netCDF modified file.  
Thanks for the support that you can provide to me.

Blanca Elvira Oviedo T. 
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