Re: [netcdfgroup] Getting netcdf version

Hello again,

Am Dienstag, 12. Januar 2010 schrieb Ed Hartnett:
> Yes, the new nc-config utility is in the soon-to-be-released version
> 4.1.

Well, yes. Lukily Version 4.1 provides pkg-config, too.
Unfortunately some distributions still provide version 3, so this is not the 
full solution… :-)

> You can also call the nc_inq_libvers function

Uh, this sounds nice. But requires my autotools to compile a test programm to 
determine the version of netcdf and then decide whether to link to libhdf or 
not… Quite inconvenient, isn’t it?

Is there also a possibility to check, whether this is a full fortran-lib or 
just a fortran-api-lib which requires me to link to the c_lib, too?

Thx so much.

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