2010 mailing list archives - listed by subject
- [netcdfgroup] 3D data saving
- [netcdfgroup] 4.1.2-beta1 build fails on macos x
- [netcdfgroup] Accessing a NetCDF and HDF5 file at the same time corrupts the HDF file
- [netcdfgroup] Access to coordinate variables using nc-dap or netcdf
- [netcdfgroup] ACDD missing in the list
- [netcdfgroup] add/delete variables in an existing NetCDF file
- [netcdfgroup] "Advanced Hydrologic Precipication Analysis" grid as CF-compliant NetCDF file?
- Re: [netcdfgroup] "Advanced Hydrologic Precipication Analysis" grid as CF-compliant NetCDF file?
- [netcdfgroup] Allowed characters in variable names?
- [netcdfgroup] anyone using these netcdf functions: nc_inq_base_pe/nc_set_base_pe
- [netcdfgroup] Argo files in netCDF to ?
- [netcdfgroup] auto linking hdf5 libraries?
- [netcdfgroup] bug in hdf5?
- [netcdfgroup] Bug in nc4file.c
- [netcdfgroup] Building Fortran NetCDF only ?
- [netcdfgroup] can I delete a group?
- [netcdfgroup] Can IDL read netCDF-4 files?
- [netcdfgroup] can't create NETCDF4 files with 4.1.2-beta1
- [netcdfgroup] CF and other conventions apply to netcdf4 exactly as they apply to netcdf3
- Re: [netcdfgroup] CF and other conventions apply to netcdf4 exactly as they apply to netcdf3
- [netcdfgroup] cf convension
- [netcdfgroup] change in include files for netcdf-4 C API parallel I/O users...
- [netcdfgroup] changing dimensions of an existing variable [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [netcdfgroup] chunking and concatenating in NCO version 4.0.3
- [netcdfgroup] Combination of nested NetCDF files
- Re: [netcdfgroup] [community] Unidata Training Workshop 2010
- [netcdfgroup] compile the netcdf4.0.1
- [netcdfgroup] Compiling netCDF in Fortran
- [netcdfgroup] Compiling with Gfortran compilers (4.4.1) for 32 vs 64 bit
- Re: [netcdfgroup] Compiling with Gfortran compilers (4.4.1) for 32 vs 64 bit
- [netcdfgroup] Compiling with Mingw-w64
- [netcdfgroup] Configure error with PGI: Could not compile conftest.c
- [netcdfgroup] conftest.f
- [netcdfgroup] Correction: Access to coordinate variables using nc-dap or netcdf
- [netcdfgroup] Could not build netcdf shared libs (4.1.2 with pgi 10.6)
- Re: [netcdfgroup] Could not build netcdf shared libs (4.1.2 with pgi 10.6)
- [netcdfgroup] creating libnetcdff.a
- [netcdfgroup] Creating NetCDF dataset from 2D array by progressive writing of array columns
- Re: [netcdfgroup] Creating NetCDF dataset from 2D array by progressive writing of array columns
- [netcdfgroup] DAP client security patch?
- [netcdfgroup] data read and transfer
- [netcdfgroup] default chunks in 4.1.1-rc1
- [netcdfgroup] Difficulties building ncks-4.0.1 and cdo-1.4.4 against netCDF-4.1.1
- Re: [netcdfgroup] Difficulties building ncks-4.0.1 and cdo-1.4.4 against netCDF-4.1.1
- [netcdfgroup] dimension bug
- [netcdfgroup] dim sizes with ncgen
- [netcdfgroup] -DpgiFortran needed for GCC 4.4?
- [netcdfgroup] easiest way to convert a variable type within a netcdf file
- [netcdfgroup] Error compiling an application using netcdf-1 interface with netcdf-2 installed
- [netcdfgroup] error in nf90_open_par?
- Message Author Message Date
- Jim Edwards [jedwards@xxxxxxxx] Mon, 18 Jan 2010
- Ted Mansell [Ted.Mansell@xxxxxxxx] Mon, 18 Jan 2010
- Jim Edwards [jedwards@xxxxxxxx] Mon, 18 Jan 2010
- Ed Hartnett [ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Tue, 19 Jan 2010
- Jim Edwards [jedwards@xxxxxxxx] Tue, 19 Jan 2010
- Ed Hartnett [ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Tue, 19 Jan 2010
- Jim Edwards [jedwards@xxxxxxxx] Tue, 19 Jan 2010
- Jim Edwards [jedwards@xxxxxxxx] Wed, 20 Jan 2010
- Ed Hartnett [ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Wed, 20 Jan 2010
- Jim Edwards [jedwards@xxxxxxxx] Wed, 20 Jan 2010
- Jim Edwards [jedwards@xxxxxxxx] Wed, 20 Jan 2010
- [netcdfgroup] error message when reading a nc file
- [netcdfgroup] error when closing a file
- [netcdfgroup] File with large number of variables
- [netcdfgroup] find filename from ncid
- [netcdfgroup] Fwd: Looks like a bug in the netCDF NC_64BIT_OFFSET variables
- Re: [netcdfgroup] Fwd: Looks like a bug in the netCDF NC_64BIT_OFFSET variables
- [netcdfgroup] Fw: NcVar put method
- [netcdfgroup] FW: Netcdf-4.1.1 fault
- [netcdfgroup] Getting netcdf version
- [netcdfgroup] Grib2 & C++ development plans
- [netcdfgroup] help with "ncx.c: No such file or directory"
- [netcdfgroup] How to define hybrid sigma pressure coordinates?
- [netcdfgroup] how to get emails in digest mode
- [netcdfgroup] how to tell if a hdf5 is netcdf
- [netcdfgroup] How to write global attribute with nf90_put_att
- [netcdfgroup] IMPORTANT: patch release for HDF5-1.8.4 needed for netCDF-4
- Re: [netcdfgroup] IMPORTANT: patch release for HDF5-1.8.4 needed for netCDF-4
- [netcdfgroup] installing problems
- [netcdfgroup] Introducing Scientific DataSet Library and Tools
- [netcdfgroup] Is a failed test or not?
- [netcdfgroup] issue compiling netcdf4 with mpi
- [netcdfgroup] Is this likely due to netcdf?
- [netcdfgroup] libnetcdf 4.0.0 and 4.1.1 read speed
- [netcdfgroup] Linker option ordering when linking to HDF5
- [netcdfgroup] Mac OS X (darwin) version used for building netCDF?
- [netcdfgroup] met so many undefined reference when make check
- [netcdfgroup] mfhdf.h not found even though it's present
- [netcdfgroup] Multiple-line attributes
- [netcdfgroup] namespace collision between mvapich2 and netcdf4
- [netcdfgroup] nasty netcdf-4.1 bug
- [netcdfgroup] ncap2 convert type double to float problem
- [netcdfgroup] nc-config issues
- [netcdfgroup] nccopy suggestion
- [netcdfgroup] ncdump MPI error
- [netcdfgroup] nc_open takes a long time to open a big file
- [netcdfgroup] ncview-2.0beta4 builds on OSX 10.6.3 (Xcode 3.2.3 and gfortran-42-5659.pkg) with netcdf-4.1.2beta and hdf5-1.8.4-patch1
- [netcdfgroup] need to id netcdf files
- Re: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF 4.0.1 with --enable-netcdf-4 conflicts with Open MPI by redefining MPI_Comm, etc
- [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.1 build fails with hdf5 on OSX 10.6.3
- [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.1 build fails with hdf5 on OSX 10.6.3
- Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.1 build succeeds with hdf5 on OSX 10.6.3 using Xcode 3.2.2 and gfortran-42-5659.pkg
- Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.1 build succeeds with hdf5 on OSX 10.6.3 using Xcode 3.2.2 and gfortran-42-5659.pkg
- [netcdfgroup] Netcdf 4.1.1, C++ interface, swapn4b, invalid write in
- [netcdfgroup] NetCDF 4.1.1 did not compile dumplib.c because of the format missing in a snprintf
- [netcdfgroup] Netcdf-4.1.1 fault
- [netcdfgroup] netcdf 4.1.1, tex, texi2dvi
- [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.1 win32
- [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.2-beta1 release available...
- [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.2beta build fails with hdf5 on OSX 10.6.3
- [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.2beta build succeeds with hdf5-1.8.4-patch1 on OSX 10.6.3 using Xcode 3.2.2 and gfortran-42-5659.pkg
- Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1.2beta build succeeds with hdf5 on OSX 10.6.3 using Xcode 3.2.2 and gfortran-42-5659.pkg
- [netcdfgroup] NetCDF 4.1-beta and OPeNDAP/coordinate variable question
- Re: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF 4.1-beta and OPeNDAP/coordinate variable question
- Re: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF 4.1-beta and OPeNDAP/coordinate variable question
- [netcdfgroup] netcdf 4.1 is 4.0.1
- [netcdfgroup] netcdf-4.1 released
- [netcdfgroup] Netcdf 4.1 Windows binaries
- [netcdfgroup] Netcdf 4.4.1, C++ interface, swapn4b
- [netcdfgroup] Netcdf4 error while there is not
- [netcdfgroup] netcdf4 file creation in fortran90 with mpi
- [netcdfgroup] netcdf4/hdf problem
- [netcdfgroup] NetCDF ArcGIS time step limit?
- [netcdfgroup] netCDF-beta and 64-bit Snow Leopard build attempt (failed)
- [netcdfgroup] netCDF C++ Library : Different Data type
- [netcdfgroup] netCDF C++ Library : writing in loop
- [netcdfgroup] [netCDF #ESO-530060]: dimension bug
- [netcdfgroup] [netCDF #GGJ-985168]: Re: mfhdf.h not found even though it's present
- Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdfgroup Digest, Vol 172, Issue 1
- Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdfgroup Digest, Vol 176, Issue 1
- Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdfgroup Digest, Vol 295, Issue 1
- Re: [netcdfgroup] netcdfgroup Digest, Vol 311, Issue 1
- [netcdfgroup] NetCDF installation issues
- [netcdfgroup] NetCDF jars=>Maven Central Repos?
- Message Author Message Date
- Mattmann, Chris A (388J) [chris.a.mattmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Mon, 12 Apr 2010
- Mattmann, Chris A (388J) [chris.a.mattmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Tue, 13 Apr 2010
- Mattmann, Chris A (388J) [chris.a.mattmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Mon, 26 Apr 2010
- John Caron [caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Tue, 27 Apr 2010
- Mattmann, Chris A (388J) [chris.a.mattmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Tue, 27 Apr 2010
- Mattmann, Chris A (388J) [chris.a.mattmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Tue, 27 Apr 2010
- [netcdfgroup] netCDF on C++
- Re: [netcdfgroup] netCDF on C++ or Python
- [netcdfgroup] netCDF operators NCO version 4.0.1 are ready
- [netcdfgroup] netCDF operators NCO version 4.0.2 are ready
- [netcdfgroup] netCDF operators NCO version 4.0.3 are ready
- [netcdfgroup] netCDF operators NCO version 4.0.4 are ready
- [netcdfgroup] netCDF operators NCO version 4.0.5 are ready
- [netcdfgroup] netCDF software for analysing NCAR reanalysis atlas
- Re: [netcdfgroup] netCDF software for analysing NCAR reanalysis atlas
- [netcdfgroup] NetCDF: Start+count exceeds dimension bound
- [netcdfgroup] netcdf under RedHat 5
- [netcdfgroup] Netcdf Unstructured grid conventions
- [netcdfgroup] NetCDF write performance tuning
- [netcdfgroup] new to list, new to netcdf
- [netcdfgroup] nf90_inq_grp_full_ncid, error in online documentation
- [netcdfgroup] nf90 multiple ulimited variables?
- [netcdfgroup] nf90_open problem - perhaps installation problem
- [netcdfgroup] Not a valid cdfid
- [netcdfgroup] October 2010 NetCDF Workshops in Boulder, Colorado...
- [netcdfgroup] Parallel HDF5 and pnetcdf
- [netcdfgroup] parallel I/O testing with MVAPICH2
- [netcdfgroup] Patches for netcdf-4.1.1
- [netcdfgroup] performance of parallel I/O
- [netcdfgroup] Please remove the RUC-example
- [netcdfgroup] please try the netcdf-4.1.1-rc2 release...
- [netcdfgroup] problem building NCO
- [netcdfgroup] problem during ./configuration
- [netcdfgroup] problem generating large file using ncgen4
- [netcdfgroup] Problem to compile bm_file
- [netcdfgroup] Problem with DAP support when building netcdf 4.1
- [netcdfgroup] problem with nccopy4.c
- [netcdfgroup] putget.c:3676: getNCvx_float_float: Assertion `value != ((void *)0)' failed.
- Re: [netcdfgroup] putget.c:3676: getNCvx_float_float: Assertion `value != ((void *)0)' failed.
- [netcdfgroup] put_vara_float error NETCDF 4.0.1
- [netcdfgroup] python function to read netcdf files
- [netcdfgroup] Question about reading/writing vars with different dimension order
- [netcdfgroup] Question about slicing from variable values, not index?
- Re: [netcdfgroup] Question about slicing from variable values, not index?
- [netcdfgroup] questions about netCDf file size.
- [netcdfgroup] reading variable dimension using fortran 90
- [netcdfgroup] refactored netCDF-4.1.2 Visual Studio port planned for last half of 2010...
- Re: [netcdfgroup] refactored netCDF-4.1.2 Visual Studio port planned for last half of 2010...
- [netcdfgroup] release candidate 1 for the 4.1.1 release now available...
- [netcdfgroup] release of version 4.1.1 of netCDF C/Fortran/C++ libraries and utilities
- [netcdfgroup] Request for real-world experience using netCDF-4
- [netcdfgroup] Response to survey feedback on tools
- [netcdfgroup] segmentation fault when nc_close
- [netcdfgroup] Strange new ncgen behavior
- [netcdfgroup] Sun Studio compiler on GNU/Linux
- [netcdfgroup] Survey results: the preamble
- [netcdfgroup] testing; please ignore
- [netcdfgroup] The netCDF operators NCO version 4.0.0 are ready
- [netcdfgroup] The new C++ interface
- [netcdfgroup] Third time's the charm! Please try the 4.1.1-rc3 release
- [netcdfgroup] Tom Whittaker: [community] Unidata User Survey - please participate
- [netcdfgroup] transfering netCDF-file from R to ArcGIS
- [netcdfgroup] trouble with NF_PUT_VARA_REAL
- [netcdfgroup] Type conversion when writing netCDF
- [netcdfgroup] Udunits2: Problem with ut_parse/ut_get_status
- [netcdfgroup] Udunits2 warnings
- [netcdfgroup] Visual Studio 2005 win32/x64 and Intel Fortran
- [netcdfgroup] what is the correct shape of this 3-D variable?
- [netcdfgroup] Where is netcdf-4.1?
- [netcdfgroup] Where is special modified pnetcdf.h files?
- [netcdfgroup] Writing netcdf4 arrays