Re: [netcdfgroup] help with "ncx.c: No such file or directory"

Hi, Cedric:
  Yep, I'm using gdb, and it was the error found by gdb. I thought the code 
should be OK, because it has been used by others many times. I'd double check 
whether if the nf_get_val_real is not invoked right.

Ph.D Candidate.
Depart of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue university.
From: Cedric Roux [cedric.roux@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 4:02 AM
To: Tang, Jinyun
Cc: netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [netcdfgroup] help with "ncx.c: No such file or directory"

>> with the error "signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
>> 0x0000000000444ecb in ncx_getn_float_float (xpp=0x7fff18c7b1d8,
>> nelems=2048,
>> tp=0x2ae8401ae010) at ncx.c:3475
>> 3475    ncx.c: No such file or directory."

by the way, you are using gdb, right?
So in your case, after the crash, gdb sees
where the error comes from and tries to show you
some source code. It looks for ncx.c but cannot
find it.

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