Re: [netcdfgroup] error in nf90_open_par?

Which flavor of MPI are you using? There is a problem with OpenMPI that, as far as I know, has not been fixed in the netcdf4 release. The error sounds similar. If that is the problem, there was a fix sent to the list sometime last fall, I think. (It worked for me, at least.)

-- Ted

On Jan 18, 2010, at 3:51 PM, Jim Edwards wrote:

I am recently porting my code to netcdf4 and think that there may be a bug in the underlying hdf5 library...

I'm not sure where to take it, thought I would try this list first.

The issue is that when a file is opened for read using nf90_open_par I get an error on closing the file, I managed to get a traceback by using the mpi wrappers facility

   1:call chain trace-back:
   1:   MPI_Comm_free
   1:   H5FD_mpi_comm_info_free
   1:   H5FD_mpio_close
   1:   H5FD_close
   1:   H5F_dest
   1:   H5F_try_close
   1:   H5F_close
   1:   H5I_dec_ref
   1:   H5Fclose
   1:   close_netcdf4_file
   1:   nc_close
   1:   nf_close
   1:   __netcdf_NMOD_nf90_close

1:ERROR: 0032-131 Can't free a predefined communicator (0) in MPI_Comm_free,

This is using netcdf 4.0.1 and hdf5 1.8.3

I don't seem to be getting this error on a file opened to write, only those opened to read.

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