My specifies "dependency_libs" but I still have to put
them in linking command (ifort on OS X). My libs are static -- hdf5
doesn't build shared libs when the fortran interface is enabled.
Does it work with shared libs only, then?
- Ted
On Apr 8, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Dennis Heimbigner wrote:
If you build netcdf from source, the resulting libraries
should already exhibit this behavior. It is possible
that whoever is setting up the RPM is not properly
using shared libraries.
=Dennis Heimbigner
Chris Webster wrote:
So I notice that on some of my netCDF installations from RPMs if
you link against libnetcdf_c++ that it will automatically link to
libnetcdf also. Would it be possible to get the same behavior from
the hdf5 libraries when/if netCDF is being built against hdf5?
My case for this is that software we distribute which depends upon
netCDF but not HDF5 does not know whether the target system has the
HDF5 build of netCDF or not (sorry I am not sophisticated enough to
use autoconfig at this time). So the user will have to tweak
Makefile / SConscript files to either add or delete the -lhdf5.
e.g. ncplot does not require hdf5, but when UWyo downloads the
source and builds they may have to tweak the Makefile for -lhdf5
depending on which netCDF version they have.
So, is what I am asking for possible? Am I making sense?
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