Re: [netcdfgroup] Patches for netcdf-4.1.1

Hello, I am not from the development team but I think this information would be useful for you.
Maybe some issues you fixed were already fixed on the snapshots (development 
version) of netcdf, as  your mail says, it seems you did not check these 
problems against the development branch. In fact, maybe the patches would be 
rather useful for the development version to result into a 4.1.2 version 
(although if your fixes are not on the devel version, they will surely be 
made into). But if one or more fixes are already in the development version, 
you just lost a little time writing your fixes when the issues were already 
Well regardless of that I am sure I can say that for everyone in the list: 
thank you very much for your contributions! :)
- Fabrício
From: "Kacper Kowalik" <xarthisius@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 6:26 PM
To: <netcdf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [netcdfgroup] Patches for netcdf-4.1.1

I would like to submit a couple of patches to fix issue I found in
netcdf-4.1.1. Namely:
* fix building with openmpi-1.4.3[1]
* fix implicit function declaration
* fix parallel build failure for fortran part[2]
I hope you'll accept it before final 4.1.2 release.
Best regards,
Kacper Kowalik


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