I was wondering if it is possible to build a NetCDF-4.1.1 library that
has both parallel HDF5 AND pnetcdf. When I try, I get a bunch of
function redefined errors:
PGC-W-0221-Redefinition of symbol NC_WRITE
(/opt/pgisoft/openmpi/parallel-netcdf-1.1.1/include/pnetcdf.h: 135)
Which suggests that downloading a replacement for pnetcdf.h, as
mentioned in the INSTALL file, could alleviate this. However, the file
no longer exists:
wget ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/netcdf/contrib/pnetcdf.h
No such file `pnetcdf.h'.
I have tried this with ifort, pgi, and gfortran using both Open MPI and
MPICH2. None of those combinations build successfully.