Andreas <lists@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Thanks for your comment!
>> The option --enable-hdf4 only tells it to compile to use hdf4, it does not
>> tell it where that resides, and /usr/include/hdf must not be in your search
>> paths. I forget the exact form of the option that tells it that but it is
>> something like:
>> --with-hdf4=
> Yes, I know about that. And I didn't try using it because ``./configure
> --help`` says:
> --with-hdf4=<directory> Specify location of HDF4 library. Configure
> will expect to find subdirs include and lib.
> And as I wrote, the libs are in /usr/lib, the headers in /usr/include/hdf.
> So I tried anyways configuring using
> --enable-netcdf4 --enable-hdf4 --enable-cxx-4 --enable-shared
> --with-hdf4=/usr/include/hdf FC=gfortran
> And, alas, the compilation seems to work :) However, when I then run
> ``make && make -j1 test``, I get the following error:
Howdy Andreas!
You have hit upon the weak spot of the --with-hdf4 option (and also the
--with-hdf5, --with-pnetcdf, --with-zlib, --with-szlib options). They
expect to find lib and include under the same directory. But this is not
always the case.
The answer is to not use the --with-hdf4 option, but instead, before
running configure, set CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS to include the appropriate
CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib ./configure --enable-hdf4 && make
Give this a try and let me know if it doesn't work for you.
Ed Hartnett -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx