Bruce Langdon <blangdon@xxxxxxxx> writes:
> If the file was opened via any netCDF user open then netCDF could
> retain and provide that specified file/path named. That would be the
> intent of the user/developer and help the user.
> Never mind rename. Just help the user as best you can. This isn't hard.
But the calling application already has the path - it had to have the
path to open/create the file.
The concern is not about how hard it is - we do really hard programming
here every day. Yesterday Russ re-coded the Unix "ls" command from
scratch, in assembly language. And to make it more of a challenge, he
entered his op codes by whistling into an old-fashioned acoustic modem at
9600 baud. (This was on his lunch hour of course. It's his hobby.)
The concern is increasing the complexity of the API. We would like to
keep it as simple as possible.
Ed Hartnett -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx