Re: [netcdfgroup] Sun Studio compiler on GNU/Linux

Am Mon, 01 Feb 2010 08:58:59 -0700
schrieb Ed Hartnett <ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> This occurs when the netCDF configure script can't figure out what
> kind of fortran compiler you are using. The solution is to set
> CPPFLAGS to -DpgiFortran, or -Df2cFortran (but not both at the same
> time) and rerun configure.

OK, will try that (hm, I remember that flag from somewhere... I guess I needed 
it before for ifort 9). What confuses me is that I tried the flag for Sun 
Fortran already, which should be appropriate (well, this is Sun Studio...) and 
that only resulted in a variation of the error.

Alrighty then,


Dipl. Phys. Thomas Orgis
Atmospheric Modelling
Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research

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