Re: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF: Start+count exceeds dimension bound

brick <brickflying@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hi
> When I read a nc file, there's an error:¿NetCDF: Start+count exceeds
> dimension bound.
> The data file is looked like:
> dimensions:
>   Azimuth = 46 ;
>   Gate = 1800 ;
> variables:
>   float Azimuth(Azimuth) ;
>  Azimuth:Units = "Degrees" ;
>   float BeamWidth(Azimuth) ;
>  BeamWidth:Units = "Degrees" ;
>   float GateWidth(Azimuth) ;
>  GateWidth:Units = "Meters" ;
>   float NyquistVelocity(Azimuth) ;
>  NyquistVelocity:Units = "MetersPerSecond" ;
>   float Reflectivity(Azimuth, Gate) ;
>  Reflectivity:Units = "dBZ" ;
>  Reflectivity:NumValidRuns = 25622 ;
> // global attributes:
> ..............................
> The first four variables, dimensions and all attributes were
> read¿correctly. Only when read the fifth variable,¿Reflectivity(Azimuth,
> Gate), ¿the error¿occurred. At beginning, the code was wrote like:
> REAL ¿ , ALLOCATABLE :: Reflectivity(:, :)
> ALLOCATE(Reflectivity(nAzimuth, nGate), STAT = AlState)
> CALL nc_check ( nf90_get_var(ncid, 5, Reflectivity) )
> nAzimuth, nGate are the dimensions read from data file. And then, it was
> modified as:
> CALL nc_check ( nf90_get_var(ncid, 5, Reflectivity, start = (/ 1, 1 /),
> count = (/ nAzimuth, nGate /)) )
> both of them don't work. Thanks.
> brick

Are you calling the C API or the fortran 90 API?

Looks like you are calling the C API from Fortran - is that what you are



Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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