Re: [netcdfgroup] find filename from ncid


Dave Kindig asked:
> Is there a method to find the filename of an open netcdf file from the 
> ncid?  The method ncinquire does not provide it.

Bruce Langdon, Hernan G. Arango, and Don Hooper (private email) argued
that this function is useful and easy to implement, so we should add it
to the library.

They're right and I was wrong about this.  We will provide the necessary
inquire function, something like

  int nc_inq_path(int ncid, size_t *pathlen, char *path);

It's too late to get in 4.1.2-beta1, but we plan to add it as soon as
practical.  In the case of a DAP request for remote data, this function
will return the associated URL instead of a file path.  We also intend
to provide equivalent functions for the other language interfaces we

Thanks for the feedback!


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