Re: [netcdfgroup] ncap2 convert type double to float problem

In response to my earlier email... I never got ncap2 to function as
desired... but I tried the same command in ncap and it produced the
desired results.


On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Skylar Lyon <skylar@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all, first post here. Let me first say that I have reviewed forums
> and this mailing list... this exchange follows what I am trying to do,
> unfortunately I am not having luck with the suggestion.
> So here is my issue:
> I am trying to convert a variable stored as a double to a float in the
> interest of reducing the ncdf file size. I think this should work:
> ncap2 -s 'bphs=float(bphs)' bphs.cdf test.cdf
> ...but I'm returned errors:
> nco_err_exit(): ERROR Short NCO-generated message (usually name of
> function that triggered error): nco_def_var_chunking()
> nco_err_exit(): ERROR Error code is 1. Translation into English with
> nc_strerror(1) is "Operation not permitted"
> nco_err_exit(): ERROR NCO will now exit with system call exit(EXIT_FAILURE)
> Here is a dump of the file:
> ncdump -h bphs.cdf
> netcdf bphs {
> dimensions:
>  latitude = 4994 ;
>  longitude = 5073 ;
> variables:
>  double latitude(latitude) ;
>  latitude:units = "degreesN" ;
>  double longitude(longitude) ;
>  longitude:units = "degreesE" ;
>  double bphs(latitude, longitude) ;
>  bphs:units = "meters" ;
> }
> I am running ubuntu 10.0.4 server and just pulled down ncap2 from apt-get .
> I am able to convert the double to float by using ncdump > tmp, edit
> tmp changing double to float, ncgen new tmp, but that is considerably
> more tedious.
> Thanks for any help offered!
> --
> Skylar Lyon, Systems Engineer
> Commonwealth Computer Research
> 1422 Sachem Place, Unit #1
> Charlottesville, VA 22901
> skylar@xxxxxxxx | 434.299.0090 x 202

Skylar Lyon, Systems Engineer
Commonwealth Computer Research
1422 Sachem Place, Unit #1
Charlottesville, VA 22901
skylar@xxxxxxxx | 434.299.0090 x 202

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