Hi all, first post here. Let me first say that I have reviewed forums
and this mailing list... this exchange follows what I am trying to do,
unfortunately I am not having luck with the suggestion.
So here is my issue:
I am trying to convert a variable stored as a double to a float in the
interest of reducing the ncdf file size. I think this should work:
ncap2 -s 'bphs=float(bphs)' bphs.cdf test.cdf
...but I'm returned errors:
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Short NCO-generated message (usually name of
function that triggered error): nco_def_var_chunking()
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Error code is 1. Translation into English with
nc_strerror(1) is "Operation not permitted"
nco_err_exit(): ERROR NCO will now exit with system call exit(EXIT_FAILURE)
Here is a dump of the file:
ncdump -h bphs.cdf
netcdf bphs {
latitude = 4994 ;
longitude = 5073 ;
double latitude(latitude) ;
latitude:units = "degreesN" ;
double longitude(longitude) ;
longitude:units = "degreesE" ;
double bphs(latitude, longitude) ;
bphs:units = "meters" ;
I am running ubuntu 10.0.4 server and just pulled down ncap2 from apt-get.
I am able to convert the double to float by using ncdump > tmp, edit
tmp changing double to float, ncgen new tmp, but that is considerably
more tedious.
Thanks for any help offered!
Skylar Lyon, Systems Engineer
Commonwealth Computer Research
1422 Sachem Place, Unit #1
Charlottesville, VA 22901
skylar@xxxxxxxx | 434.299.0090 x 202