On 29/07/2010, at 5:38 PM, Roy Mendelssohn wrote:
> Yes it goes into the options line.
> The fink version compiles netcdf with an option set that puts the C libraries
> in libnetcdf and the FORTRAN libraries in libnetcdff (that is not a typo),
> so you need both. There are two -L's set, since the libraries live in
> different locations.
> The other errors have to do with options on how a compiler stores the names
> of functions in libraries, and what you are compiling with does not use the
> same options as what the libraries were compiled with.
> I would suggest changing the g77 to gfortran in the make file. If you still
> get errors, could you give which version of the Mac OS you have, as well as
> do the following in the terminal and give the results:
> which gfortran
> gfortran --version
> fink --version
Thank you for the clarification. Those details (like netcdf and netcdff) I
would have never known in a million years...
I also had no idea I had gfortran and g77 installed.
Anyway, this set up worked:
F77 = gfortran
OBJ = most3_x
SRC = most3_nc_x.f offtime.f timestep.f swlon.f swlat.f swrun03.f
surf_read.f surf_run.f rgrd1.f rgrd2.f
OPT = -O -I/sw/lib/netcdf-gfortran/include -L/sw/lib -lnetcdf
-L/sw/lib/netcdf-gfortran/lib -lnetcdff
$(OBJ): $(SRC)
$(F77) $(SRC) $(OPT) -o $(OBJ)
IT seems like the code is now running. I will do a few tests and let you know.
Thanks again,