Re: [netcdfgroup] IMPORTANT: patch release for HDF5-1.8.4 needed for netCDF-4

Is the recent HDF5 1.8.4 patch all that's needed to get NetCDF 4.1 working again, or is a patch required for NetCDF 4.1 as well?

I'm wondering if I should redo all my NCL builds now, or wait for a NetCDF 4.1. patch.



On Feb 23, 2010, at 9:04 AM, Ed Hartnett wrote:

Russ Rew <russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:


Thanks for the update Russ.

If we revert back to NetCDF 4.0.1, what version of HDF5 do you
recommend we use?


We tested netCDF-4.0.1 with HDF5-1.8.2, but I think it should also work
with HDF5-1.8.3, though there may be memory leak issues with those
combinations. To be certain, we'll have to do some additional testing.


Russ is correct. Use hdf5-1.8.3 with netCDF-4.0.1, there are several
memory bug fixes that increase performance.


Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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