There is a Google Group where we have been discussing this:
On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 12:10 AM, <hengkek@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear fellow netcdf users
> We are looking for "best practices" for a netcdf convention for unstructured
> grids, a la, ADCIRC, ELCIRC, FVCOM, SELFE. We hope to find some pointers,
> insights and advice from this forum.
> I've gone through Russ Rew's archived email below:
> From the links in Russ's email and limited googling, it appears that this is
> a somewhat "difficult" area and that there's not much available info after
> 2006.
> However, what would currently be the "de facto" netcdf standard/convention
> to use for unstructured grids?
> Might there be a group that may be working towards the "one ring to rule
> them all" convention?
> We're looking for a convention that is (among other things):
> 1. Generally recognised by visualization software.
> 2. Allows for convenient extraction of boundary condition data.
> We'd be grateful for any advice/pointers.
> regards
> -hengkek
> Tropical Marine Science Institute
> Singapore
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