I would like to store an M-by-N array in a NetCDF file. The array would
be stored as a single variable. I know the values of M and N, but due
to physical memory limitations on my desktop computer, I cannot load the
entire 2D array, which would consist of thousands of rows and hundreds
of columns. Instead of loading the entire 2D array, I would like to
load M-by-1 arrays (1D arrays), and then progressively add each column
to the NetCDF file to create the M-by-N array.
Is this possible? The following code snippet (based on the C++ example
given in the documentation) demonstrates what I would like to
accomplish. However, after running this code snippet, the NetCDF file
produced appears to be nothing but junk data. (I am using ParaView from
Kitware as the NetCDF viewer.)
/// start of program
#include <iostream>
#include <netcdfcpp.h>
using namespace std;
static const int NX = 100;
static const int NY = 100;
static const int NC_ERR = 2;
int main(void)
int dataOut[NX];
for(int i = 0; i < NX; i++)
dataOut[i] = i;
NcFile dataFile("simple_xy.nc", NcFile::Replace);
if (!dataFile.is_valid())
cout << "Couldn't open file!\n";
return NC_ERR;
NcDim* xDim = dataFile.add_dim("x", NX);
NcDim* yDim = dataFile.add_dim("y", NY);
NcVar *data = dataFile.add_var("data", ncInt, xDim, yDim);
// Write each column to file?
for(int i = 0; i < NY; i++)
data->put( dataOut, i, NX );
return 0;
/// end of program
Thank you for helping to shed some light on this matter.
Nicholas Kinar
Researcher, Centre for Hydrology
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA