[netcdfgroup] NetCDF write performance tuning

Hello everyone,

My profiling results show that NetCDF Classic is very slow if the following output scheme is used:

// case 1
for var in variables
  define var
  write var

or even if something like this is done (assuming that all the variables are defined already and they depend on an unlimited dimension):

// case 2
for var in variables
  append var

It seems to me that case 1 is slow because NetCDF (Classic) keeps the file header as small as possible (Section 4 of the NetCDF User's Guide is perfectly clear about this). Case 2, on the other hand, seems to be slow because (please correct me if I'm wrong) variables are stored contiguously. (In other words: if variables A and B are defined in this order, then appending X bytes to A requires moving B over by X bytes.)

My question is:

How does NetCDF-4 compare to NetCDF Classic in this regard? Would switching to it improve write performance? (This is two questions, really: I'm interested in cases 1 and 2 separately.)

I would like to avoid re-factoring our code to do

for var in variables
  define var

for var in variables
  write var

instead of what is described as "case 1" above.

Thank you!

Constantine Khroulev
PISM (www.pism-docs.org) Developer/Maintainer
University of Alaska Fairbanks

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