Re: [netcdfgroup] reading variable dimension using fortran 90


If the names of the dimensions are always the same, then use nf90_inq_dimid followed by nf90_inquire_dimension to get the length of each dimension. See the example on this page:

If all the dimensions have coordinate variables, then the following subroutine will get several dimension lengths in one call:

If the dimension names change between Netcdf files, then the problem is more complicated. We can address that if neither of the above works for you.

--Dave A.

On 6/10/2010 7:55 AM, Sudheer Joseph wrote:
Dear Users,
                      I have been coding a program to read multiple
netcdf files having different time dimensions. I want to know if there
is a way to read netcdf varibale with out defining the dimension as
parameter. with in fortran 90 program.
normally we need to define like below
  ! timesteps of data.
        integer, parameter :: NDIMS = 3, NRECS =1
        integer, parameter :: NTIM=1464, NLATS = 94, NLONS = 192
  allocate(pres_in(NLONS, NLATS, NTIM))count = (/ NLONS, NLATS,NTIM/)
        start = (/ 1, 1, 1/)

        ! Read the surface pressure and temperature data from the file, one
        ! record at a time.
        call check( nf90_get_var(ncid, pres_varid, pres_in, start =
start,count = count) )

In my case ntim may be different for different files. I wanted to use
the reading part as a subroutine where ntim is provided as a variable
and passed to subroutine
but if I declare ntim as varible then netcdf gives an error.
If any one have a solution please help. I am not looking for solutions
like replacing the parameter statement using shell script and re
compiling it etc.

with best regards,

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