I'm converting some grib data to netcdf. For variable names, I use the
shortNames defined in my grib-reader (grib_api), which in some cases
start with numeric characters, e.g. '2t' or '10u'.
This works well with 3.6.2, but when run on another machine (ubuntu
lucid, netcdf 3.6.3?), I get an error:
NetCDF: Name contains illegal characters
I've seen that some of the variable-name code has been changed in 3.6.3
for UTF-8:
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/faq.html#fv22 but I
haven't found out if the first character of a variable must be
alphabetic (except in a very old user-guide at
Are names like '2t' forbidden in netcdf, or is this a bug in 3.6.3, or
is this a bug in my program, which just propagates to the netcdf error
Best regards,