Re: [netcdfgroup] Question about slicing from variable values, not index?

  • To: demail <demail973@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [netcdfgroup] Question about slicing from variable values, not index?
  • From: Jeff Whitaker <jswhit@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2010 06:56:35 -0600
On 4/1/10 7:35 PM, demail wrote:
Question about slicing from variable values, not index?


#This works:
rootgrp = Dataset(NC_FIL, 'w', format='NETCDF4')
rootgrp.createDimension('lat', 5)
rootgrp.createDimension('lon', 5)
dogs = rootgrp.createVariable('dogs','u1',('lat','lon'))
latitudes = rootgrp.createVariable('latitude','f4',('lat',))
longitudes = rootgrp.createVariable('longitude','f4',('lon',))
lats =  numpy.arange(35,36,.2) #lats = array([ 35. ,  35.2,  35.4,  35.6,
lons =  numpy.arange(82,83,.2) #lons = array([ 82. ,  82.2,  82.4,  82.6,
latitudes[:] = lats
longitudes[:] = lons
dogs[:] = NumPy_2dArray #NumPy 2 d array, number of dogs at lat / lon (5 x

#Can get results:
getrootgrp = Dataset(NC_FIL, 'r', format='NETCDF4')
temp_dogs = getrootgrp.variables['dogs'][:]
temp_lat= getrootgrp.variables['latitude'][:]
temp_lon = getrootgrp.variables['longitude'][:]

OK: I want to be able to perform a slice from
getrootgrp.variables['latitude'] and getrootgrp.variables['longitude'],
based on value, not index,
that will return array [latitude, latitude, number of dogs].

Conceptually, I am thinking along the lines of Coordinate Variables or array
subscripting, but have not been successful in using it to have something
temp_lat_lon_dogs = getrootgrp.variables['dogs'][:], latitude[35.2:35.8],
longitude>   82.2]

You can slice with logical operations on coordinate arrays, i.e.

data = f.variables['dogs'][numpy.logical_and(temp_lat >35.2, temp_lon < 35.8]. )

Note that you have to use numpy.logical_and since there is no && operator in python.


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