Re: [netcdfgroup] easiest way to convert a variable type within a netcdf file


"Best way" depends on what software you have installed, how often you need to convert, file size, style preferences, etc. Here are some reasonable alternatives; there are other ways.

1.  If you have NCO installed, use the ncap2 type conversion feature.

2. Use ncdump to convert the file to CDL text, then edit using sed or your choice of stream editor.

  ncdump | sed -e 's/double varname(/float varname(/' \
     > temp.cdl
  ncgen -o temp.cdl

3. For "small" files, do the same as (2), except use a manual text editor instead of sed. This may be the most expedient if you also need to fiddle with attributes or other metadata.

With all methods, you may also need to perform type conversion on attributes directly related to the data variable, in particular _FillValue, missing_value, and/or valid_range.

--Dave A.

On 9/1/2010 3:40 PM, Simon Su wrote:
Hi All,

What would be the best way to convert a variable type within a netcdf file?
I need to change a variable of the type double to float within a netcdf


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