As long as your netcdf file defines the variable as float, you can skip
steps 1 and 2 and call nc_put_vara_double() and netcdf will do the
conversion internally.
On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 7:29 AM, Jennifer Adams <jma@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear Experts,
> It says in the documentation, "...if you write a program that deals with
> all numeric data as double-precision floating point values, you can read
> netCDF data into double-precision arrays without knowing or caring what the
> external type of the netCDF variables are." This is very handy, and I wonder
> if there is any way to use this kind of easy type conversion when writing
> out data.
> When my program that deals with all numeric data as double-precision needs
> to write out floating point values, I use this algorithm:
> 1. allocate a new array of floats equal in size to the array of doubles
> 2. loop over elements in the arrays and explicitly cast the data values
> from double to float
> 3. call nc_put_vara_float() to write the floats to the output file
> Is there a way to do this that would not require the memory allocation in
> step 1?
> --Jennifer
> --
> Jennifer M. Adams
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Calverton, MD 20705
> jma@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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