Re: [netcdfgroup] "Advanced Hydrologic Precipication Analysis" grid as CF-compliant NetCDF file?


The same web page offers a C program that generates all of the lat/lon values as one step in translating to an alternate file format. I found it useful to change this program to output the coordinates as a free standing Netcdf file, which can then be easily combined or applied with with the precip data.

Please see the attached program. If needed, it should be fairly easy to add the grid_mapping elements that you mentioned.

--Dave A.

On 12/17/2010 1:45 PM, Rich Signell wrote:
NetCDF folks,

We are looking for a netcdf file that contains the lon/lat values and
perhaps the grid_mapping parameters for the precip data available

You can download gridded precip data as NetCDF, but the files do not
contain the lon/lat values, and no such netcdf "grid" file seems
available on the site.   There is a Shapefile with all the lon/lat
points that we could convert to NetCDF, but surely someone must have
already done this, and perhaps even added the x,y coordinates and the
polar_stereographic parameters in a grid_mapping to make it all

/*   Program hrap-coordinates-to-netcdf.c
     This is a modified version of program nctoasc.c
     written by Ken Pavelle
     National Weather Service
     Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center
     2010-sep-30  nctoasc.c:
                  Original version, by Ken Pavelle, NWS.
                  Downloaded from NWS/AHPS website:
                  This version converts a Netcdf precip file WITHOUT
                    coordinates, into a text file WITH lat/lon coordinates.
     2010-dec-20  hrap-coordinates-to-netcdf.c:
                  Modified to extract coordinates only, by Dave Allured,
                  Read a Netcdf precip file WITHOUT coordinates,
                    only to get the HRAP grid location parameters.
                  Output a Netcdf file containing ONLY the lat and lon
                  Promote computations to double precision.
     Input  -- Netcdf file - Containing HRAP grid location parameters.
     Output -- Netcdf file - Containing ONLY lat and lon coordinate
               arrays matching the specified input file.
     USAGE:  "hrap-coordinates-to-netcdf infile outfile"
     NOTE:   This version computes coordinates for ANY HRAP grid,
             not just CONUS and Puerto Rico.
             There is one constraint.  The HRAP grid coordinate system
             is defined on a polar stereographic projection with origin
             at 60°N / 105°W.  The origin is currently hard coded, and
             all HRAP grid parameters for this program must be relative
             to this origin.                                              */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <netcdf.h>

typedef struct _HRAP {
        double x;
        double y;
        } HRAP;


HRAP HrapToLatLong(HRAP hrap)
  double raddeg = 57.29577951;
  double earthrad = 6371.2;
  double stdlon = 105.;
  double mesh_len = 4.7625;
  double tlat, rr, gi, ang, x, y;
  HRAP ll;


  x = hrap.x - 401.;
  y = hrap.y - 1601.;
  rr = x*x + y*y;
  gi = ((earthrad * (1+sin(tlat)))/mesh_len);
  ll.y = asin((gi-rr)/(gi+rr))*raddeg;
  ang = atan2(y,x)*raddeg;
  if (ang < 0) ang=ang+360.;
  ll.x = 270+stdlon-ang;
  if (ll.x < 0) ll.x=ll.x+360;
  if (ll.x > 360) ll.x=ll.x-360;
  return ll;


void check (int nc_status, const char *func_name)
   if (nc_status != NC_NOERR)
      printf ("*** Netcdf error, %s returned error no. %d:\n", func_name, 
      printf ("*** %s\n", nc_strerror (nc_status));
      exit (-1);


void *malloc_check (size_t size, const char *varname)
   void *ptr = malloc (size);
   if (ptr == NULL)
      printf ("*** Malloc error, can't allocate %lu bytes for %s.\n", size, 
   return (ptr);


int main (int argc, char *argv [])
int             i, j;
char            infile[150], outfile[150];
int             hrap_xor_id, hrap_yor_id, hrapx_id, hrapy_id; /*netCDF stuff*/
int             ncid, xid, yid, lon2d_id, lat2d_id;
int             ndims, dimids[2];
double          hrap_xor, hrap_yor;
size_t          hrapx, hrapy, vsize, index;
HRAP            hrap, latlon;

float           *lat2d, *lon2d;

static char     title[]   = "HRAP 2-D lat and lon coordinates";
static char     history[] = "Generated by hrap-coordinates-to-netcdf.c";

static char     lat_lname[] = "latitude";
static char     lon_lname[] = "longitude";
static char     lat_units[] = "degrees_north";
static char     lon_units[] = "degrees_east";

/*  Get command line args  */

if (argc == 3) {
   sprintf(infile,  "%s", argv[1]);
   sprintf(outfile, "%s", argv[2]);

} else  {
   printf ("USAGE: hrap-coordinates-to-netcdf infile outfile\n");
   return 1;

/*  Open Netcdf input file.  */

printf ("\n");
printf ("Read input file: %s\n", infile);

check (nc_open (infile, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid), "nc_open");

/*  Read dimensions and HRAP grid parameters.         */
/*  Use Netcdf automatic type conversion, as needed.  */

check (nc_inq_dimid (ncid,"hrapx",&hrapx_id), "nc_inq_dimid");
check (nc_inq_dimlen (ncid,hrapx_id,&hrapx), "nc_inq_dimlen");

check (nc_inq_dimid (ncid,"hrapy",&hrapy_id), "nc_inq_dimid");
check (nc_inq_dimlen (ncid,hrapy_id,&hrapy), "nc_inq_dimlen");

check (nc_inq_varid (ncid,"hrap_xor",&hrap_xor_id), "nc_inq_varid");
check (nc_get_var1_double (ncid,hrap_xor_id,0,&hrap_xor), "nc_get_var1_float");

check (nc_inq_varid (ncid,"hrap_yor",&hrap_yor_id), "nc_inq_varid");
check (nc_get_var1_double (ncid,hrap_yor_id,0,&hrap_yor), "nc_get_var1_float");

/*  Close input file.  */

check (nc_close(ncid), "nc_close");

   printf ("nx            = hrapx    = %lu\n", (long) hrapx);
   printf ("ny            = hrapy    = %lu\n", (long) hrapy);
   printf ("Grid X offset = hrap_xor = %lu\n", (long) hrap_xor);
   printf ("Grid Y offset = hrap_yor = %lu\n", (long) hrap_yor);

/*  Compute 2-D coordinates for HRAP grid.  */

   printf ("\n");
   printf ("Compute 2-D coordinates for HRAP grid.\n");
   vsize = hrapx * hrapy * sizeof(*lat2d);      /* allocate arrays */
   lat2d = malloc_check (vsize, "lat2d");       /* simple 1-D indexing */
   lon2d = malloc_check (vsize, "lon2d");

   for (i = 0; i< hrapy; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j< hrapx; j++) {
         hrap.x = j + hrap_xor + 0.5;
         hrap.y = i + hrap_yor + 0.5;
         latlon = HrapToLatLong (hrap);
         index = j + hrapx * i;             /* index for 2-D contiguous */
         lon2d[index] = (float) -latlon.x;  /* convert lons WEST to lons EAST */
         lat2d[index] = (float) latlon.y;

/*  Write 2-D coordinates to output file.  */

printf ("Write 2-D coordinates to output file: %s\n", outfile);

/* Note: No overwrite protect in this version. */

check (nc_create (outfile, NC_CLOBBER, &ncid), "nc_create");    /* create new 
file */

check (nc_def_dim (ncid, "hrapy", hrapy, &yid), "nc_def_dim");  /* define 
dimensions */
check (nc_def_dim (ncid, "hrapx", hrapx, &xid), "nc_def_dim");

/*  Define 2-D lat and lon arrays.  */

ndims = 2;
dimids[0] = yid;
dimids[1] = xid;
check (nc_def_var (ncid, "lat2d", NC_FLOAT, ndims, dimids, &lat2d_id),
check (nc_def_var (ncid, "lon2d", NC_FLOAT, ndims, dimids, &lon2d_id),

/*  Add lat and lon attributes.  */

check (nc_put_att_text (ncid, lat2d_id, "long_name", strlen(lat_lname), 
check (nc_put_att_text (ncid, lon2d_id, "long_name", strlen(lon_lname), 

check (nc_put_att_text (ncid, lat2d_id, "units", strlen(lat_units), lat_units),
check (nc_put_att_text (ncid, lon2d_id, "units", strlen(lon_units), lon_units),

/*  Add global attributes.  */

check (nc_put_att_text (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "title", strlen(title), title),
check (nc_put_att_text (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "history", strlen(history), history),
check (nc_put_att_text (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "grid_specification_from", 
strlen(infile), infile),

check (nc_enddef (ncid), "nc_enddef");          /* leave define mode, enter 
data mode */

/*  Write lat and lon arrays to output file.  */

check (nc_put_var_float (ncid, lat2d_id, lat2d), "nc_put_var_float");
check (nc_put_var_float (ncid, lon2d_id, lon2d), "nc_put_var_float");

check (nc_close(ncid), "nc_close");     /* flush buffers and close output file 


free (lon2d);                           /* clean up dynamic memory */
free (lat2d);

return 0;
# 2009-oct-06   Original Makefile for nctoasc.c, from NWS/AHPS website.
# 2010-dec-20   Configured for local compile. (D. Allured)
#               Add main program hrap-coordinates-to-netcdf.c.

Netcdf_root = /Users/dallured/lib/gfortran/netcdf3

CFLAGS = -I$(Netcdf_root)/include -I/usr/local/include -Wall -Werror -g

LFLAGS = -L$(Netcdf_root)/lib

LIBS =   -lnetcdf -lz -lm -lc

CC   =  /usr/local/bin/gcc

hrap-coordinates-to-netcdf:   hrap-coordinates-to-netcdf.o makefile
        $(CC) -o $@ $(LFLAGS) $@.o $(LIBS);

nctoasc:   nctoasc.o makefile
        $(CC) -o $@.exe $(LFLAGS) $@.o $(LIBS);

        rm *.o
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