Hi Ansley,
> Wondering about the requirement for curl version 7+ for netCDF4.2. On
> RedHat systems, rhel6 has libcurl.so.4 installed, and that library
> depends on a number of other libraries, which I imagine would need
> higher versions than what's on rhel6. Our software that links with
> netcdf therefore may need a whole cascade of upgraded libraries.
> NetCDF4.2 does build and appears to work correctly, with the calls that
> we make use of, linking with libcurl.so.4 and the associated libraries,
> and with the libcurl.so.3 that's on on rhel5 systems.
Note that the "4" in libcurl.so.4 is not the version number of the
library. You can find out the libcurl version number by invoking
curl-config --version libcurl
On my system, this returns "7.21.0" even though the library is named
For more information of the number after "so" in library names, check