Hi Ansley,
> I'm seeing a limit of 512 characters on the path name in the first
> argument of NF_OPEN. It's possible to hit this limit with long URL's.
> With paths longer than 512, the error code that's returned is error 2,
> "No such file or directory". I'm using NetCDF 4.2. Is there a setting
> I can make or a code change to raise this limit?
NF_OPEN just passes the path name to nc_open.
For a long path name that's not a URL, the error actually comes from the
operating system, when a open(2) call in the C layer returns an error
that corresponds to the system error ENAMETOOLONG, defined in errno.h.
That's a limit that the netCDF library can't do anything about.
For a URL, it appears that the netCDF C client passes the query string
part of a long URL to the server, and the error is generated on the
server-side. So it appears that there's no client-side setting that can
fix the problem.