Hi Russ,
Thanks. It's odd though, I'm able to open a file with ncdump that I
can't open with my program that makes the Fortran API calls. That's what
made me think it was the Fortran. Maybe there's some other subtlety
going on there. I had meanwhile proved your point by calling nc_open
from the Fortran and seeing the same error.
On 6/20/2012 12:54 PM, Russ Rew wrote:
Hi Ansley,
I'm seeing a limit of 512 characters on the path name in the first
argument of NF_OPEN. It's possible to hit this limit with long URL's.
With paths longer than 512, the error code that's returned is error 2,
"No such file or directory". I'm using NetCDF 4.2. Is there a setting
I can make or a code change to raise this limit?
NF_OPEN just passes the path name to nc_open.
For a long path name that's not a URL, the error actually comes from the
operating system, when a open(2) call in the C layer returns an error
that corresponds to the system error ENAMETOOLONG, defined in errno.h.
That's a limit that the netCDF library can't do anything about.
For a URL, it appears that the netCDF C client passes the query string
part of a long URL to the server, and the error is generated on the
server-side. So it appears that there's no client-side setting that can
fix the problem.