Tom Roche Mon, 27 Aug 2012 23:31:23 -0400
>> summary: I can successfully ncvar_put(...) data to a file, but when
>> I try to ncvar_get(...) the same data
in the one and only datavar
>> I get
>> > Error in if (nc$var[[li]]$hasAddOffset) addOffset = nc$var[[li]]$addOffset
>> > else addOffset = 0 :
>> > argument is of length zero
David W. Pierce Mon, 27 Aug 2012 21:35:35 -0700
> If you want to create a file and write to it, and then read back in from that
> same file, close it first and then reopen it.
So nc_sync is not enough--good to know. But ...
Unfortunately I do that (nc_close then nc_open) in the latest code @
(direct link to relevant file=
) but no fix--same error. Any other suggestions?
your assistance is appreciated, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche@xxxxxxxxx>