Re: [netcdfgroup] Segmentation fault using netCDF binaries

Dear Luis,

the directory of your ncgen (/sw/netcdf/4.4.1/bin/ncgen) indicates that the binary is the same independent of the loaded compiler module.

netCDF uses external libraries such as HDF5, zlib and szip. Depending on the loaded compiler module, different HDF5, zlib and szip library pathes (e.g. one per compiler module) might be in your systems library path. Thus, depending on the loaded compiler module, netCDF might use different versions of these libraries. However, it depends on how the libraries were linked at compile time.

Do you know how these libraries were linked to your netCDF during the compilation? Do you know with which compiler your netCDF library and binaries were compiled? Did you compile netCDF on your own? And, if yes, can you provide us the 'configure'-call you used (the arguments you used).


On 25.08.2017 10:32, Luis Cebamanos wrote:
I've got some more details.
If the Intel compiler 16 is loaded I get Seg fault, however if I load
the Intel compiler 17 then I get " Bad octaol constant"

/sw/netcdf/4.4.1/bin/ncgen -o in.cdl
Bad octal constant: \b\n\0"

I think this is not a new error. Is there a workaround?


On 22/08/2017 18:45, dmh@xxxxxxxx wrote:
Odd. just running the bare ncgen/ncdump/nccopy
commands works as expected in the current release
candidate. Has anyone else seen this behavior?
=Dennis Heimbigner

On 8/22/2017 7:10 AM, Luis Cebamanos wrote:
Trying to compile NCO I came across this issue with Make:
/sw/netcdf/4.4.1/bin/ncgen -o big.cdl
make[2]: *** [] Segmentation fault

I then realized that the following commands were given Seg faults:

Segmentation fault
Segmentation fault
Segmentation fault

Is this because netCDF 4.4.1 has not been properly installed ?


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