Re: [noaaport] Novra S-200 online...thoughts

Hi Brendon,


This is great feedback, thanks for your efforts on behalf of the community. Did you need to do anything special to make it work with the Unidata Noaaport ingestor, or is it as simple as giving the new Novra the same IP addresses as the old Novra and swapping hardware?


That was pretty much it; it works straight out of the box with the UNIDATA NOAAport ingester. The S-200 came with different default IP addresses, so I had to change those. Otherwise, if you have worked with the S-75 windows install and configure program, it's almost identical to that for the DVB-S portion. There's more to it for the DVB-S2 part of it, but we're obviously not there yet, and everything looks straightforward. 20 minutes out of the 40 minute install was me trying to figure out A) Why it kept chopping off the ".5" in my frequency (it does, but it figures out exactly what it broadcasts on, and today, it's a whopping 36 Hz off!) and how it tells you that in the display, B) the symbol rate issue, and C) I forgot to mention, you do have to put in the downlink frequency (6343.5 MhZ), or set your Local Oscillator (L/O) to zero, and just put in the exact frequency of 1193.5 MhZ. The rest of the time was getting it out of the box, getting the IP's and everything else set.

I was also told that the current signal strength meter on the S-200 is a better derived indicator, but I wasn't told why.

Finally, there is a Unix/Linux interface that is being rewritten, and should be out in about a week. So as of now, the only way to configure it is by using the installer program using Windows only (I used Windows 7, but XP/Vista should work fine), and you obviously have to be physically present to do it. If you're curious, for those of you who have the S75_TEST program, you get this with an S-200:

% S75_TEST

 Found 0 Device(s)

 Select Device to Control or Enter 0 to Specify a Remote Device:

Yep, completely incompatible, as is Jose Nieves' npstats program, but he
promises an update to handle it "long before the conversion". Can't wait!


Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  ***
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