*for now only the stations that have an attached met pack that records
wind speed and direction.
This is a handful of sites in the caribbean (ROA0, SAN0, GTK0, GRE0,
SMRT) and most of the UNAVO PBO sites that I process in the western U.S.
check out the new plot format by clicking on of these sites ie. P001 in
Arizona, from the google front map at
The wind and rain data are also in the netcdf and ascii files for the
hourly solutions
in /www/suominet/data/pwvConusHourly and ncConusHourly.
New staYrHr files with the wind and rain fields are in
look for GTK0nrt_2010.plot to get files with wind and rain data, --these
files have a calendar date as well
ie GTK0 2010-07-20T19:45 in the *.plot files versus 201.82282 in the
*.plt files. The new GMT plotting software prefers the calendar dates.
Fields in *.plot files are STAT yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm pwv[mm] ErrTerm[mm]
Wdelay[mm] TZdelay[mm] Kfac, press[mb] temp[c] RH[%] Ddelay[mm] wspeed
[meters/sec] wdir and rain in the 30 minute window in 0.1 mm
Email me with any problem reports
**Wind is in vectors not wind barbs --I could not get wind bards figured
out. If someone has a code snippet for plotting wind barbs versus
time in GMT4 and would like to share it feel free to email me. The
only reward would be your name on the web page and plots that look more
like traditional weather plots.
Teresa Van Hove
Associate Scientist COSMIC/UCAR
ph 303-497-8023 fax 303-497-2610