This is good.
BTW: NOAA says there is a 60% chance of a tropical
depression forming near Hispaniola in the next 48 hours. So, maybe we can
watch this and compare with these wind vectors.
"Come Watson, The game is a foot!"
Dr. Karl Hudnut System Administrator UCAR - COSMIC
khudnut@xxxxxxxx http://www.cosmic.ucar.edu 303 497 8024
On Tue, 20 Jul 2010, vanhove wrote:
> *for now only the stations that have an attached met pack that records wind
> speed and direction.
> This is a handful of sites in the caribbean (ROA0, SAN0, GTK0, GRE0, SMRT) and
> most of the UNAVO PBO sites that I process in the western U.S.
> check out the new plot format by clicking on of these sites ie. P001 in
> Arizona, from the google front map at
> http://www.suominet.ucar.edu/index.html.
> The wind and rain data are also in the netcdf and ascii files for the hourly
> solutions
> in /www/suominet/data/pwvConusHourly and ncConusHourly.
> New staYrHr files with the wind and rain fields are in
> /www/suominet/data/staYrHr/
> look for GTK0nrt_2010.plot to get files with wind and rain data, --these files
> have a calendar date as well
> ie GTK0 2010-07-20T19:45 in the *.plot files versus 201.82282 in the *.plt
> files. The new GMT plotting software prefers the calendar dates.
> Fields in *.plot files are STAT yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm pwv[mm] ErrTerm[mm]
> Wdelay[mm] TZdelay[mm] Kfac, press[mb] temp[c] RH[%] Ddelay[mm] wspeed
> [meters/sec] wdir and rain in the 30 minute window in 0.1 mm
> Email me with any problem reports
> Cheers,
> Teresa
> **Wind is in vectors not wind barbs --I could not get wind bards figured out.
> If someone has a code snippet for plotting wind barbs versus time in GMT4 and
> would like to share it feel free to email me. The only reward would be your
> name on the web page and plots that look more like traditional weather plots.
> --
> --------------------------
> Teresa Van Hove
> Associate Scientist COSMIC/UCAR
> vanhove@xxxxxxxx
> ph 303-497-8023 fax 303-497-2610