Re: GRIB Aggregation

Hi Dan,

Aggregation should work the same for GRIB as for netCDF files. The issue would be how your GRIB files are structured and how you want to aggregate them. Our GRIB files each contain one full model run (all parameters, all forecast times). We haven't tried aggregating beyond that.

We have started tracking what is available for the NCEP models on our server. This is from the TDS 3.8 announcement (with links updated):

   We also are now tracking detailed inventory of NCEP model output, eg:
   These are all linked from the "collection dataset" pages; For
   example from
   choose the top "CONUS_12_km" link, then choose "Available Inventory"

One idea for this work is to eventually provide access to alternate datasets, for instance, a dataset that contains all the 3hr forecast times from the different runs, or one that contained all the 12Z valid times from the different runs. Tracking these detailed inventories is just the first step but aggregation and alternate groupings of the data is pretty interesting to think about.

How are your GRIB files structured and what kind of aggregation where you thinking about?


dan.swank wrote:

I've been tinkering with the TDS aggregation capabilities and they work
quite well for NetCDF data, however, I can't seem to find anything in
the docs regarding aggregating GRIB.
We want to get The NARR dataset which we have here at NCDC-NOMADS on the
TDS.  It consists of hundreds of thousands of 50 Mb + GRIB files in a
  Just scouting for a quick answer here:
Is aggregating the NARR GRIB currently feasable with the current release
of TDS?  If so, do any docs exist which could give me a starting point?
Converting it to NetCDF will not be possible (volume).

Ethan R. Davis                                Telephone: (303) 497-8155
Software Engineer                             Fax:       (303) 497-8690
UCAR Unidata Program Center                   E-mail:    edavis@xxxxxxxx
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO  80307-3000             

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