make certain when starting for the first time (or on a restart) that you "touch" each dataset. That loads it into cache and makes things work. For ours, that takes awhile, but we have written code to automate that process.

On May 6, 2007, at 5:07 PM, Pauline Mak wrote:

HI Ethan,

Yes, I've noticed that occasionally it will show an OurOfMemory error.

I'm currently running is

THREDDS Data Server Version 3.14.02 Build Date = 2007-03-19 23:50:44
JVM is java version "1.5.0_09"
Tomcat is: 5.5

Wow, the oddest thing just happened.  I noticed that catalina.out were
printing out messages saying that tomcat had problems trying to access
cache.log. So I went in and change the ownership of all cache* and then
THREDDS was able to load those big datasets without problems.  Oops,
sorry!  I should read the log more carefully!



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