The other possibility is caching in your browser. It can be tricky to be absolutely sure
you are getting a fresh copy. I like using the "Live HTTP Headers" plugin for
firefox. But perhaps Shift-Refresh might work also. An independent test is the ToolsUI
application, which never caches:
If you still see the problem, then it is caching on the server. It occurs to me that
"overwriting the file" may be the problem. You should be writing a new file,
and deleting the old. What exactly are you doing?
Roy Mendelssohn wrote:
Hi jean: '
My guess is you are getting the cached information, which hasn't been
updated. You can set the frequency of update in the catalog xml
file. Also, usually if you touch the file (i.e. do something that
causes to Thredds to access the data( that usually also updates the
-Roy M.
On Nov 5, 2007, at 4:51 PM, Jean.C.Newman@xxxxxxxx wrote:
I have a set of netcdf files that are being accessed via OpenDAP
and are
regularly overwritten. Most of the files, 29 sets of 31, update
but in 2 file sets the "Global Attributes" don't update to the new
information although the "data" does. "ncdump -h" shows the correct
information, :history = "MOST v2.080 11-05-2007 16:09:22" ;
:title = "Aleutian-Cascadia: Mwt 8.4, 21.00*b65" ;
in the headers but when I look at it in a browser,
I see the old file attributes,
history: "MOST v2.080 11-05-2007 11:49:33"
title: "Aleutian-Cascadia: Mwt 8.5, 29.00*b25".
If I restart tomcat then the correct information shows up.
I'm new at thredds so I may very well be doing something stupid but I
could find no information. Below is the change I made to
$tomcat_home/content/thredds/catalog.xml. Any suggestion?
Thank you, Jean
<service name="ncdods" serviceType="OpenDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC/" />
<datasetScan name="MOST tsunami model data" ID="mostDatasetScan"
path="sims" location="/home/tg15/data/sims"
<metadata inherited="true">
<include wildcard="*.nc"/>
<lexigraphicByName increasing="true" />
Jean Newman Tel: 206-526-6531
NOAA Center for Tsunami Research
NOAA/PMEL/OERD2 - UW/JISAO FAX: 206-526-6485
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Bldg. 3 jean.c.newman@xxxxxxxx
Seattle, WA 98115-6349 jcn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Roy Mendelssohn
Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
Environmental Research Division
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
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