I'm going to chime in on this at the risk of missing the point
entirely. I haven't seen the whole thread (gobbled by a spam filter)
but I think this may be rekated to a problem we had with RHEL5 and
I'll quote from my earlier support email for the Hyrax/Tomcat issue:
I have just spent sometime with another user that was having very
similar problems, but with RHEL5. I realize that RHEL5 is not quite
the same as Fedora 9, but the Tomcat installations look similar.
We grabbed a fresh version of Tomcat 5 (5.5.27) from here:
, Unpacked it, installed the opendap.war file, started Tomcat, and
it all worked as it should.
After doing a bit of sleuthing we discovered that the Tomcat start
up scripts distributed with RHEL5 didn't correctly configure the
Java CLASSPATH and Tomcat was not finding libraries (That have been
bundled with the Java Runtime since Java 2!) used by the OLFS.
So there are two solutions for RHEL5:
1) Get a fresh Tomcat from here: and use
2) Get the xalan-2.7.1 libraries from here:
Unpack them and install the jar files "xalan.jar" and
"serialize.jar" by copying them too /usr/share/tomcat5/commons/
lib, or too /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/opendap/WEB-INF/lib
This may not be a patch for your system. But I suspect it's the
problem. The simplest test is to do #1.
If that works, and keeping it that way isn't practical because of
system administration issues, then work out #2
And if you run into issues there then let me know. I would really
like to see you up and running.
Hopefully that's not too far off topic....
On Jun 18, 2009, at 4:32 PM, John Cartwright wrote:
John Caron wrote:
the listener ss the first thing that gets loaded - so problems with
classpath, etc, show up there first, that have nothing to do with the
listener code per se.
have you checked all log files to see if there are any more messages?
delete all log files, startup, then look everything.
This RHEL-supplied tomcat seems to only have the catalina.out for log
and the only entries I see for the thredds context are:
TdsConfigContextListener.contextInitialized(): start.
Jun 18, 2009 5:23:10 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Error listenerStart
Jun 18, 2009 5:23:10 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Context [/thredds] startup failed due to previous errors
Other complicating factors are that this is 64bit OS, JVM and we're
running SELinux. The sysadmin tells me there are no entries in the
audit log, but I'm always suspicious of SELinux.
I feel like I've eliminated the version of tomcat and the JVM as the
problems and am left w/ the RHEL packaging and/or SELinux permissions.
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