[thredds] OPeNDAP access to data in ArcSDE/Geodatabase?


We are wondering how we might get OPeNDAP access to an ArcSDE/Geodatabase.

The EROS data center has gridded data (for example, the National
Elevation Database) stored in an Arc SDE Geodatabase, and they want to
have only one representation of the data (they don't want to create
duplicate NetCDF files). They provide a OGC Web Coverage Service by
which this data can be acquired, and we were wondering about the
feasability of adding an OPeNDAP service, since there are currently
quite a few OPeNDAP clients that would like to access this data.

One option would be to build an I/O Service Provider that connects
directly to the Arc SDE.   Has anyone attempted or thought about this?

Another option that came to mind was the possibility of having the I/O
Service Provider connect to WCS, using getCapablities and getCoverage
to provide the syntactic metadata and actual data values to the Common
Data Model.    Could this work?


Dr. Richard P. Signell   (508) 457-2229
USGS, 384 Woods Hole Rd.
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598

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