Re: [thredds] OPeNDAP access to data in ArcSDE/Geodatabase?

ERDDAP can now hook into databases if they can make a view of the requisite 
data.  ERDDAP can also act as an OPeNDAP server.  Some fiddling might be 
necessary to have the data seen as a grid.  II not, it can still be sent by 
OpeNDAP, just as OpeNDAP sequences.


On Jan 15, 2010, at 11:50 AM, Rich Signell wrote:

> Folks,
> We are wondering how we might get OPeNDAP access to an ArcSDE/Geodatabase.
> The EROS data center has gridded data (for example, the National
> Elevation Database) stored in an Arc SDE Geodatabase, and they want to
> have only one representation of the data (they don't want to create
> duplicate NetCDF files). They provide a OGC Web Coverage Service by
> which this data can be acquired, and we were wondering about the
> feasability of adding an OPeNDAP service, since there are currently
> quite a few OPeNDAP clients that would like to access this data.
> One option would be to build an I/O Service Provider that connects
> directly to the Arc SDE.   Has anyone attempted or thought about this?
> Another option that came to mind was the possibility of having the I/O
> Service Provider connect to WCS, using getCapablities and getCoverage
> to provide the syntactic metadata and actual data values to the Common
> Data Model.    Could this work?
> Thanks,
> Rich
> -- 
> Dr. Richard P. Signell   (508) 457-2229
> USGS, 384 Woods Hole Rd.
> Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598
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