Hi all,
I am trying to find a general way to include URLs pointing to THREDDS
catalogs (and datasets) from a separate web application. But I have
difficulties with the available THREDDS/TDS documentation.
Specifically I do not understand the use of the 'path' attribute in the
datasetScan element. The various documents seem to tell different stories.
there is an example where the 'path' attribute has the value 'grib2'.
This "might" result in a generated catalog containing datasets like:
<dataset name="data1.wmo" urlPath="data1.wmo" />
From other examples, e.g. in
I would have thought that the urlPath for the generated dataset should
have been "grib2/data1.wmo". Am I correct (and the above example erroneous)?
Or are there some subtle differences between the examples that I have
not recognized?
Best regards,
Egil Støren, met.no Norway