Re: [thredds] Constructing URLs for catalogs generated by datasetScan

Hi Egil,

You are correct. The example in the InvCatalog Server Specification was
wrong. All datasets that result from a datasetScan should have urlPaths
that start with the value of the datasetScans path attribute.

I have fixed the example that was wrong and expanded on it a bit. The
other two pages were correct but I also expanded on parts of the
tutorial/ConfigCatalogs.html page.

Sorry for the confusion.


Egil Støren wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to find a general way to include URLs pointing to THREDDS
> catalogs (and datasets) from a separate web application. But I have
> difficulties with the available THREDDS/TDS documentation.
> Specifically I do not understand the use of the 'path' attribute in the
> datasetScan element. The various documents seem to tell different stories.
> In
> there is an example where the 'path' attribute has the value 'grib2'.
> This "might" result in a generated catalog containing datasets like:
> <dataset name="data1.wmo" urlPath="data1.wmo" />
> From other examples, e.g. in
> and
> I would have thought that the urlPath for the generated dataset should
> have been "grib2/data1.wmo". Am I correct (and the above example
> erroneous)?
> Or are there some subtle differences between the examples that I have
> not recognized?
> Best regards,
>    Egil Støren, Norway

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