Hi all,
I am currently trying to serve datasets using Opendap (via thredds) and some of
my datasets are bigger than the default sizes (50asc/500bin)
I have tried configuring it in threddsConfig.xml but I am still
Getting the following error on my browser:
Error {
code = 403;
message = "Request too big=81.0 Mbytes, max=50.0";
Despite specifying the following:
The logs reads:
2010-08-25T17:05:30.130 +0800 [ 82496][ 18] INFO -
thredds.server.opendap.OpendapServlet - Reject request size = 81.0 Mbytes
I have tried it on a few datasets, reloading my webapp as well as restarting
tomcat but to no avail.
Could someone kindly assist?
Derrick Wong
Software Engineer | ASRDC (Australian Spatial Research Data Commons) Project |
Phone: +61 8 6436 8945
derrick.wong@xxxxxxxx | www.csiro.au
Address: ARRC (Australian Resources Research Centre), 26 Dick Perry Avenue,
Kensington WA 6151, Australia
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