Re: [thredds] Thredds Opendap Service ascLimit and binLimit

Hi Derrick,

The change you made looks like it should have fixed the problem. A
restart of the TDS should be enough for the changes to take affect. (Of
course, restarting Tomcat will work as well.)

What version of the TDS are you running?

In case it isn't clear, the OPeNDAP size limits do not affect the size
of the datasets that can be served only the size of the data that can be
accessed in a single request. So, if you run into this limit, you can
also try to request a smaller subset of the data.


On 8/25/2010 3:20 AM, Derrick.Wong@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am currently trying to serve datasets using Opendap
> (via thredds) and some of my datasets are bigger than
> the default sizes (50asc/500bin)
> I have tried configuring it in threddsConfig.xml but
> I am still
> Getting the following error on my browser:
> Error {
>     code = 403;
>     message = "Request too big=81.0 Mbytes, max=50.0";
> };
> Despite specifying the following:
> <Opendap>
>     <ascLimit>500</ascLimit>
>     <binLimit>500</binLimit>
>     <serverVersion>opendap/3.7</serverVersion>
> </Opendap>
> The logs reads:
> 2010-08-25T17:05:30.130 +0800 [     82496][      18] INFO  - 
> thredds.server.opendap.OpendapServlet - Reject request size = 81.0 Mbytes
> I have tried it on a few datasets, reloading my webapp
> as well as restarting tomcat but to no avail.
> Could someone kindly assist?
> Thanks.
> Derrick Wong 
> Software Engineer | ASRDC (Australian Spatial Research Data Commons) Project 

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