Re: [thredds] content/thredds permissions using repo tomcat

Hi Howard,

On 3/7/2011 1:13 PM, Howard wrote:
> Hi Ethan
> I found this thread on the mailing list archive, but I don't know how to
> reply. So please forgive the direct question.

No problem and I'm going to CC the thredds list so it is archived and
searchable ...

> The part that I am interested in is this part:
>> #2, what does your deployment descriptor (web.xml) file specify for
>> the "unpackwars" attribute? Is it true (the default) or false? If it
>> is true, it's possible you're having the same issue as with the Red
>> Hat-provided Tomcat: that there are a passel of symlinks between
>> various /var/lib/tomcat dirs and /usr/share/tomcat dirs, and when you
>> drop the Tomcat WAR file into the /webapps directory, the THREDDS
>> servlet cannot construct the proper /content/thredds directories. If
>> this is the case, change this attribute to false, and re-deploy the
>> servlet and see if you get this error.
> I am trying to use the Redhat provided Tomcat to deploy thredds and I am
> having the same issue as the original poster.  Was there ever a
> resolution for this other than not unpacking the war (which at the time
> of the message (didn't work)? I tried creating the content directory by
> hand as the user tomcat.  No luck. Any ideas?

My understanding is that the RedHat provided Tomcat uses symbolic links
in a number of places and your content/thredds directory needs to be
linked in a similar manner. Here's a quote from another email to the
thredds list:

  "3) Then I had to ensure new directory for THREDDS
   was created (/var/lib/tomcat5/content/), with
   ownership and permissions for theTomcat user,
   symlinked from /usr/share/tomcat5/content."

There might be more of interest to you in the email so here's the link:

Hope that helps,


> Thanks
> Howard
> -- 
> Howard Lander <mailto:howard@xxxxxxxxx>
> Senior Research Software Developer
> Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) <>
> The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
> Duke University
> North Carolina State University

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